Academic Publications and Presentations



Gaming Sexism Cover Image: Depiction of Rosie the Riveter wearing a Nintendo Power Glove.


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Cote, A., Wilson, A., Hansen. J., Harris, B., Rahman, M., Can, O., Fickle, T., and Foxman, M. (2023). Taking Care of Toxicity: Challenges and Strategies for Inclusion in U.S. Collegiate Esports Programs. Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports 1(1).
  • Cote, A. and Harris, B. (2023). Inevitable or Exploitative? A Case Study of Consumers’ Divergent Attitudes towards Video Game Crunch. Media Industries 10(1).
  • Cote, A. and Harris, B. (2023). The Cruel Optimism of “Good Crunch”: How Game Industry Discourses Perpetuate Unsustainable Labor Practices. New Media & Society, 25(3), 609-627.
  • Cote, A., Can, O., Foxman, M., Harris, B., Hansen, J., Rahman, M., and Fickle, T. (2023). The COVID Season: Collegiate Esports Programs’ Material Challenges and Opportunities During the 2020-21 Pandemic. Games and Culture, 18(2), 229-250.
  • Cote, A., Dal Cin, S., Exelmans, L., & Mustafaj, M. (2022). Philanthropic, Prosocial Players: How Game-Related Charity Events Motivate Unlikely Donors. New Media & Society.
  • Harris, B. C., Hansen, J., Can, O., Rahman, M., Foxman, M., Cote, A. and Fickle, T. (2022). “Starting from scratch to looking really clean and professional”: How students’ productive labor legitimizes collegiate esports. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 39(2), 141-153.
  • Mejeur, C and Cote, A. (2021). Who Gets to Be in The Guild?: Race, Gender and Intersecting Stereotypes in Gaming Cultures. Loading: The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association, 14(24), 70-89.
  • Cote, A. C., & Harris, B. C. (2021). “Weekends became something other people did”: Understanding and intervening in the habitus of video game crunch. Convergence, 27(1), 161-176. doi: 10.1177/1354856520913865.
  • Cote, A., Coles, S. M. and Dal Cin, S. (2021). The Interplay of Parenting Style and Family Rules about Videogames on Subsequent Fighting Behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 47(2), 135-147.
  • Cote, A. (2020). Casual resistance: A longitudinal case study of video gaming’s gendered construction and related audience perceptions. Journal of Communication, 70(6), 819-841.
  • Cote, A. and Mejeur, C. (2018). Gamers, Gender, and Cruel Optimism: The Limits of Social Identity Constructs in The Guild. Feminist Media Studies, 18(6), 963-978. doi: 1080/14680777.2017.1376699
  • Cote, A. (2018). Writing “Gamers”: The gendered construction of player identity in Nintendo Power Games and Culture, 13(5), 479-503. doi: 10.1177/1555412015624742
  • Cote, A. (2017). “I can defend myself”: Women’s strategies for coping with harassment while gaming online. Games and Culture, 12(2), 136-155. doi: 10.1177/1555412015587603

Book Chapters

  • Cote, A., and Butt, M. (in press). Broadening the Imagined Audience: The Case of “Gamers.” In Hill, A. and Lunt, P. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences. Forthcoming 2024.
  • Cote, A. and Saidel, E. (in press). ‘Race’ and Race: Longitudinal Trends in D&D Character Creation. In Sidhu, P., Carter, M., and Zagal, J. (Eds.), D&D at 50: An Edited Collection. Forthcoming 2024.
  • Cote, A. and Foxman, M. (2021). Studying Games. In Ferdig, R., Gandolfini, E. and Baumgartner, E. (Eds.), Teaching the Game, Vol. 1: A collection of syllabi for game design, development, and implementation. (pp. 201-224). ETC Press.
  • Cote, A. (2018). Curate Your Culture: A Call for Social Justice-Oriented Game Development and Community Management. In K. Gray and D. Leonard (Eds.), Woke Gaming: Digital Challenges to Oppression and Social Injustice. (pp. 193-212). University of Washington Press.
  • Cote, A. and Raz, J. (2015). In-depth interviews for games studies. In P. Lankoski and S. Bjork (Eds.), Game Research Methods: An Overview (pp. 93-116). ETC Press.

Other Writing


  • Cote, A. (2020). Review of the book Fake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry, by S. Scott. Convergence, 26(1), 228-230. doi:1177/1354856519861739
  • Cote, A. (2018). Review of the book Ready Player Two: Women Gamers and Designed Identity, by S. Chess. Feminist Media Studies, 18(5), 957-959. doi: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1498142

Peer-reviewed Presentations

  • See full CV for details.